Dry Sun Habitat Pack (dry/average soil, full sun)

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This habitat pack includes 15 quart-sized plants chosen for their amazing ability to attract pollinators and beneficial insects such as butterflies, bees, and more.

This plant selection is based on the Limestone/Dolostone Woodlands and Barrens plant community.

Plant these in a sunny patch and get ready to meet your tiniest neighbors! This pack of plants tolerates drought. The height of these plants are appropriate for a garden (3-5 feet or shorter). It is best to let these plants mix as they will naturally want to seed off and plant themselves in new spots.

*This pack includes all of the POLLINATOR GARDEN species plus more. It will have a greater number of species (more diversity). Choose the POLLINATOR GARDEN pack if you want something more controlled and designed (with 5-7 species rather than 8-12).

15 plants (one flat of quarts) will cover about 30 square feet of ground at a high-density level. Denser plantings means fewer weeds. Most of these plants will spread by seed or by rhizomes, so each year you can continue to expand your pollinator habitat.

Your pack will include 8-12 species chosen from the following list based on availability. We’ll be sure to include all seasons in your pack.

Spring: Baptisia australis (Blue Wild Indigo), Baptisia tinctoria (Yellow Wild Indigo), Danthonia spicata (Poverty Oat Grass), Penstemon pallidus (Pale Beardtongue)

Summer: Achillea millefolium (Common Yarrow), Allium cernuum (Nodding Onion), Andropogon virginicus, Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly Weed), Asclepias verticillata (Whorled Milkweed), Bouteloua curtipendula (Sideoats Grama), Coreopsis verticillata (Thread Leaved Coreopsis), Eragrostis spectabilis (Purple Lovegrass), Euphorbia corollata (Flowering Spurge), Liatris scariosa (Eastern Blazing Star), Liatris spicata (Dense Blazing Star), Monarda fistulosa (Wild Bergamot), Parthenium integrifolium (Wild Quinine), Pycnanthemum tenuifolium (Narrow-Leaved Mountain Mint), Rudbeckia fulgida (Orange Coneflower), Rudbeckia triloba (Brown-eyed Susan), Solidago juncea (Early Goldenrod), Solidago nemoralis (Grey Goldenrod), Solidago rigida (Stiff Goldenrod), Tridens flavus (Purpletop)

Fall: Euphorbia corollata (Flowering Spurge), Symphyotrichum laeve (Smooth Aster), Symphyotrichum lateriflorum (Calico Aster), Symphotrichum oblongifolium (Aromatic aster), Vernonia glauca (Upland Ironweed)

Year-round interest: Baptisia australis (Blue False Indigo), Bouteloua curtipendula (Sideoats Grama), Eragrostis spectabilis (Purple Lovegrass), Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Bluestem)

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This habitat pack includes 15 quart-sized plants chosen for their amazing ability to attract pollinators and beneficial insects such as butterflies, bees, and more.

This plant selection is based on the Limestone/Dolostone Woodlands and Barrens plant community.

Plant these in a sunny patch and get ready to meet your tiniest neighbors! This pack of plants tolerates drought. The height of these plants are appropriate for a garden (3-5 feet or shorter). It is best to let these plants mix as they will naturally want to seed off and plant themselves in new spots.

*This pack includes all of the POLLINATOR GARDEN species plus more. It will have a greater number of species (more diversity). Choose the POLLINATOR GARDEN pack if you want something more controlled and designed (with 5-7 species rather than 8-12).

15 plants (one flat of quarts) will cover about 30 square feet of ground at a high-density level. Denser plantings means fewer weeds. Most of these plants will spread by seed or by rhizomes, so each year you can continue to expand your pollinator habitat.

Your pack will include 8-12 species chosen from the following list based on availability. We’ll be sure to include all seasons in your pack.

Spring: Baptisia australis (Blue Wild Indigo), Baptisia tinctoria (Yellow Wild Indigo), Danthonia spicata (Poverty Oat Grass), Penstemon pallidus (Pale Beardtongue)

Summer: Achillea millefolium (Common Yarrow), Allium cernuum (Nodding Onion), Andropogon virginicus, Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly Weed), Asclepias verticillata (Whorled Milkweed), Bouteloua curtipendula (Sideoats Grama), Coreopsis verticillata (Thread Leaved Coreopsis), Eragrostis spectabilis (Purple Lovegrass), Euphorbia corollata (Flowering Spurge), Liatris scariosa (Eastern Blazing Star), Liatris spicata (Dense Blazing Star), Monarda fistulosa (Wild Bergamot), Parthenium integrifolium (Wild Quinine), Pycnanthemum tenuifolium (Narrow-Leaved Mountain Mint), Rudbeckia fulgida (Orange Coneflower), Rudbeckia triloba (Brown-eyed Susan), Solidago juncea (Early Goldenrod), Solidago nemoralis (Grey Goldenrod), Solidago rigida (Stiff Goldenrod), Tridens flavus (Purpletop)

Fall: Euphorbia corollata (Flowering Spurge), Symphyotrichum laeve (Smooth Aster), Symphyotrichum lateriflorum (Calico Aster), Symphotrichum oblongifolium (Aromatic aster), Vernonia glauca (Upland Ironweed)

Year-round interest: Baptisia australis (Blue False Indigo), Bouteloua curtipendula (Sideoats Grama), Eragrostis spectabilis (Purple Lovegrass), Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Bluestem)

This habitat pack includes 15 quart-sized plants chosen for their amazing ability to attract pollinators and beneficial insects such as butterflies, bees, and more.

This plant selection is based on the Limestone/Dolostone Woodlands and Barrens plant community.

Plant these in a sunny patch and get ready to meet your tiniest neighbors! This pack of plants tolerates drought. The height of these plants are appropriate for a garden (3-5 feet or shorter). It is best to let these plants mix as they will naturally want to seed off and plant themselves in new spots.

*This pack includes all of the POLLINATOR GARDEN species plus more. It will have a greater number of species (more diversity). Choose the POLLINATOR GARDEN pack if you want something more controlled and designed (with 5-7 species rather than 8-12).

15 plants (one flat of quarts) will cover about 30 square feet of ground at a high-density level. Denser plantings means fewer weeds. Most of these plants will spread by seed or by rhizomes, so each year you can continue to expand your pollinator habitat.

Your pack will include 8-12 species chosen from the following list based on availability. We’ll be sure to include all seasons in your pack.

Spring: Baptisia australis (Blue Wild Indigo), Baptisia tinctoria (Yellow Wild Indigo), Danthonia spicata (Poverty Oat Grass), Penstemon pallidus (Pale Beardtongue)

Summer: Achillea millefolium (Common Yarrow), Allium cernuum (Nodding Onion), Andropogon virginicus, Asclepias tuberosa (Butterfly Weed), Asclepias verticillata (Whorled Milkweed), Bouteloua curtipendula (Sideoats Grama), Coreopsis verticillata (Thread Leaved Coreopsis), Eragrostis spectabilis (Purple Lovegrass), Euphorbia corollata (Flowering Spurge), Liatris scariosa (Eastern Blazing Star), Liatris spicata (Dense Blazing Star), Monarda fistulosa (Wild Bergamot), Parthenium integrifolium (Wild Quinine), Pycnanthemum tenuifolium (Narrow-Leaved Mountain Mint), Rudbeckia fulgida (Orange Coneflower), Rudbeckia triloba (Brown-eyed Susan), Solidago juncea (Early Goldenrod), Solidago nemoralis (Grey Goldenrod), Solidago rigida (Stiff Goldenrod), Tridens flavus (Purpletop)

Fall: Euphorbia corollata (Flowering Spurge), Symphyotrichum laeve (Smooth Aster), Symphyotrichum lateriflorum (Calico Aster), Symphotrichum oblongifolium (Aromatic aster), Vernonia glauca (Upland Ironweed)

Year-round interest: Baptisia australis (Blue False Indigo), Bouteloua curtipendula (Sideoats Grama), Eragrostis spectabilis (Purple Lovegrass), Schizachyrium scoparium (Little Bluestem)

This pollinator habitat pack makes a great start to your pollinator garden. One flat includes 15 quart-sized plants native to the Shenandoah Valley. These were chosen to attract and support pollinators such as native bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects. Plant this pack in a sunny patch for best results.

Dry Shade Habitat Pack (dry/average soil, shade/part-shade)
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Pollinator Garden Habitat Pack (dry/average soil, full sun)
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Naturalizer Habitat Pack (wet/moist soil, full sun)
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Moist Shade Habitat Pack (moist/average soil, part-shade, full shade)
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Planting Design for Moist Sun Habitat Pack