Old World Stonework
a gallery walk through patios, walkways & paths, steps, walls, permeable paving, and boulders
We use regionally sourced stone to build our walks, patios and walls. Using ancient methods, we lay stone without the need for mortar or concrete, which allows for better drainage. With dry set stone and brickwork, our design solutions marry the softness of earth and greenery with the strong backbone of hardscape.
Our gallery shows examples of valley limestone, valley fieldstone, valley cobblestone, Pennsylvania bluestone, West Viriginia sandstone, brick, and permeable pavers.

This pathway was constructed from two foot by three foot rectangles of Pennsylvania bluestone. Because it is dry-laid without mortar, rainwater can filter properly into the landscape rather than building up at the edges. The owner can decide whether to keep the spaces empty or to allow softly creeping greenery to fill the joints.